You will fly alone with your partner and the pilot.
For this flight we will take off from a place that will be kept a secret until the last moment. Magical, with a unique charm and specially designed for you and for your dreams to come true. This flight is for all couples who want to fly alone… you will have all the space you really need to enjoy as you deserve. Observing from a bird’s eye view the wonderful landscapes that the area offers you, this will be a totally personalized flight for you. We will invite you to make a toast with cava once we have reached a height of 1.000 meters.
We are sure that you will have a wonderful day flying with us and to make you leave even happier we will make it exclusive…
– Invitation to help set up the balloon.
– Flight duration of between 1 – 1’15 hours, approx.
– Landing and packing away of the balloon.
– A toast with cava and pastries / fruit juice for kids.
– The pilot will give you the flight certificate.
– Transportation back to the take-off field by 4×4 vehicles (starting point of the activity) where your cars are parked.
– Accident and civil liability insurance.[/sm_column_text][sm_empty_space][sm_column_text]
IBAN: ES08 0081 0056 9400 0229 6437
Sabadell Bank.
Account holder: Quico Vidal Gasch[/sm_column_text]